Have you fallen down in your career? Did you see the fall coming or was it out of the blue?
Was it life changing? How did it change you? Did it alter how you see the yourself and the world?
Whatever happened, I am sorry for what you went through.
Falling is hard. It rocks your world. It shakes your faith. It adjusts how you see yourself. And, the world.
No matter how hard you’ve fallen, it’s not how hard you went down, but how you get back up. Here’s some ways you can recover:
1. Falling Has Purpose.
Conflict in our career is there for a reason. It’s to get our attention.
Maybe shaking you up was required. Maybe there was a lesson you needed to learn. Maybe you were too comfortable, complacent, or compliant. Maybe who you were previously wasn’t going to get you to where you need to be in the future.
Switch gears. Look at the positive aspect of your fall. Why did it happen? Think you can’t shift? Yes, you can.
2. Your Career Has Highs and Lows, Ups and Downs.
Degrees vary, but they still occur. If you are in a career long enough, a low point will eventually happen.
Were you really happy where you were? Did you get inklings it was time for a change, but you did not act? Was there an opportunity (leap) that you were afraid to take and now is the perfect time to try?
What will you do with your low? How will you make it mean something? Keep in mind that your low won’t last forever. “Up” is around the corner.
3. Promise Yourself You Won’t Fall Like This Again.
I find that some of my clients are weary of new avenues after they’ve fallen especially if they did not see it coming.
Trust that you are different person as a result of your fall. It made you stronger. Trust that you will do things differently and make different choices. You are not the same person anymore. You are wiser.
Bad things happen to good people sometimes. You can and will recover from this.
4. Get Back Up.
The worst has already happened, so it’s up from here. What did you learn from your journey and what will you do with your new found knowledge?
Put together a plan and talk to people about it. Map out your next move. Share your story. It will help you heal and will make a difference for someone else who has fallen too.
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